by Alpine Animal Hospital | Sep 29, 2017 | Blog
By Melissa Gisleson, DVM Has it been a while? Maybe it’s time for a visit! Many times our feline friends’ medical care can fall by the wayside due to the additional work and effort it takes to bring them in for veterinary care. Often, kitties hide or become very...
by Alpine Animal Hospital | Jul 31, 2017 | Blog
by Dr. Alicia NolfiLaminitis is caused by many things. Any condition involving generalized infection or inflammation can cause laminitis. Pneumonia, colitis, placentitis and endometritis are some examples. Elevated simple sugar intake either over time on lush pasture,...
by Alpine Animal Hospital | Jun 3, 2017 | Blog
By Dr. Alicia NolfiWhat comes to mind when you think about an X-ray? Most people visualize white bones on a black background. While it’s true that X-rays allow us to visualize bone health and conformation in the horse’s foot, there is more insightful...
by Alpine Animal Hospital | May 3, 2017 | Blog
By Reese Odenwelder, DVM Getting a new puppy is a very exciting time! There is so much fresh love and happiness with adding a new furry friend to the family. Certainly we want what is best for our new pet and during this novel period we often focus on the “now”. This...
by Alpine Animal Hospital | Feb 2, 2017 | Blog
By Louise Marron, DVM As the field of veterinary medicine has evolved, the importance of high quality dental care has become increasingly apparent. The mouth serves a vital role as the entry point for nutrition, the foundation of health. The mouth is intimately...
by Alpine Animal Hospital | Jan 30, 2017 | Blog
By Dr. Melissa Gisleson, DVM Diabetes affects both dogs and cats. It is a condition where for one reason or another, the body is unable to control blood sugar levels throughout the day. With people, Diabetes is often classified as Type I or Type II diabetes. Type I...